RE:RE:LOW VOLUME Yes completely rigged, amazing what power, money, and influence will get you!
Stickyscamo pumping hard now to sucker in naive investors. He even opened a new ID today to make four!
How obvious are you dude? I told you a couple of months ago that adding a new ID may fool em.
Thomvest just approve the extra pay? Grabbing retail money while you can before completing the steal?
wyndewest wrote: What a rigged game!!! It's unbeilievable the TSX allows this kind ot setup. Of courseThomvest (Liminal) will let it trade down, down down so they can privatize at the cheapest possible price. I do have compassion for the poor sods that took Thomvest's 'rights offer' at around $16.00 Canadian dollars I believe. What a terrible sham!