RE:Liberal PredictionsSO since 2010 what have we heard, CLIMATE change, yes we all know that there is a climate change, maybe has something to do with fossil fuels, BUT IMO, it's something that has been going on for MILLIONS of years, Liberals and NDP and maybe all polictical parties press to get votes from Libtards and whoever will listen, THERE answer to this is Carbon tax, IF ANYONE can tell me how taxes will solve climate change , I"m sure open to here there cure, IMO we are being brain washed, schools teach this garbage , { LIBTARD SCHOOLS } Please never let your loved ones go to these COMMIE schools, IMO , I'm sure anyone my age agrees, BKM lets get our EAC so i can relax for what few years are left, God bless John and this would be a win for the loss of his dear wife, God bless you John.