RE:RE:RE:I shouldn't be buttldr
topdown99 wrote: Lmao dwdc , 40 posts in total from that clown , started out trying to dis TOU on that board , migrated to POU and now has shown up here . ungluedgems is just a product of a disfunctional and dislocated market .
Another child of the "climate emergency" BS generation , reminds me of the witch hunts in Salem where innocent people were killed to satisfy personal paranoia . And much like their lack of success in changing the world by killing a woman with a wart on her face , the eco crowd WILL NOT STOP THE WEATHER (CLIMATE) PHENOMENON .
Consider the mass hysteria the MSM would be stirring up if we were experiencing the 1930's right now . A drought that lasted 8 yrs turning prairie to desert , temperature records that still stand today and all decades before this so called "crisis" . Children have been brainwashed while parents run to keep up with the Jones's and are distracted/disinterested/disengaged .
20,000 yrs ago Canada was under 2 miles of ice and our climate has been slowly warming since that time (I know because I measured the ice thickness myself) , the present day Sahara desert was a fertile grassland 5000 yrs ago (I know since I graze my flock there) and the Mediterranean rose 1 full meter over the 400 yrs from 0ad to 400ad (again I know because it forced us to rebuild port facitities) .
The facts are indisputable although my personal commentary is as flawed as the "climate emergency" arguement . I no more grazed a flock on the Sahara than Al Gore or D Suzuki know what the future holds . I think the biggest problem really is the fact that people actually believe we can "engineer" climate and that scares the shyte out of me . How could anyone be that stupid ????
I can't tell you all how sick and tired I am of trying to talk sense and present facts when nobody wants to listen . I think the best thing that can happen now is for gretchen to get her way and shut down line 5 , cause shortages and disruptions to get the population to wake up . Fossil fuels are bad , nuclear isn't safe so what will power that brave new world ? Windmills ?
FCF doesn't matter , debt repayment means nothing , tech will save the world as soon as they figure out how to stop batteries from bursting into flames . Its all bullshyte