Grimey... Buyer's Remorse Already???A week and a half since you plunked down 30k and your post indicates you regret it!
1. you smile everytime you see a child in a wheelchair.
Yup... I smile at the kid. They know they're accepted and A-OK in my books. What's your reason?
2. you make your wife sleep on the couch during her monthly's
Don't make her... it's where I keep the "white powder". Helps her through the period... so to speak!
3. if your at a party, and that person has carpet in their bathroom you purposely pee on it.
Nope... when partying, I use a catheter with the XL bag. Saves a lot of hassle! No lining up. LOL
and the number 4 way you know your TFSA!!!!!!!!!!!
4. You only coment on stockhouse when you can kick everyone down.. (Laugh out loud))
Aren't you the one that still believes this is a manganese play?
Aren't you the one that said you spend your time over at now?
Aren't you the one "sophisticated investor"... it doesn't mean "smart investor"!
Aren't you the one that has to play "blackjack" with their share numbers. Actually, the odds are probably better at the tables than here at the Venture... lol
I comment here all the time as you well know, it's just sour grapes on your part right now because you should have known better a week and a half ago!!! (LAUGH OUT LOUD)