Your incriminating post/inbox stating you and others are attempting to track my ip address is damming.Its illegal for you to do this without a court order.Govern yourself accordingly as this will backfire on your lame azzz ..PUMPERS resort to anything when money is involved.Always there are brokers and other groups on these boards with manipulation to steal otherrs money.You are one of these clowns.......Sending threats to a inbox proves what you are up to.The threat was lame though if you want my ip or name  send me a valid contact number and I will call you and tell you Spineless coward


This chain of communication is undeniable, accurate, and unaltered!!!


WHY, because FrogzilaDiknSam, Bendoversam, Goldydiknsam, MRWizdo, Ledgendliveson, Ferriswheel, Swingtradersammy, hammerdown2097, Thezoologist, etc., etc., etc........... are all LIONWHISPERER posts!!!!!! 

Keep in mind, these are just the handles he has used on the TAAT board since July 28th 2021!! In less then the past 24 hours, between only 2 of these handles, Frogziladiknsam & Bendoversam, he posted exactly 44 times!!! Every post, nothing but typical potty mouth BS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Multiply his handles, by the example above throughout the many stockhouse boards!!!!
Not only is this spamming, but the content of these posts are offensive to put it mildly!!
Even most of the handles Lionwhisperer uses are AGAINST STOCKHOUSES POSTING RULES!!!

I sent a 2200 character abuse report this morning, highlighting in detail, why Lionwhisperers IP address, should be blocked from the stockhouse investment boards for life!!!!!!!

Join myself and others from many boards on this SH platform, and file a detailed report TODAY!!!!! Feel free to use any part or all of this post in your/our quest to clean up our boards and support the companies we invest in!!! Blast stockhouse today, strike while the iron is red hot, exterminate this rodent, forever!!!!!!!!!!!!

Spread the word folks, he confirmed today, that he is behind countless aliases!!!

Good Luck, and please support this effort, it will pay dividends tomorrow, if you react and report this abuse today!! Pick any or all of his many handles, but make sure when you report to SH, tell them he is using multiple names, with posting handles that break the profanity rules, and that all are backed by the banned lionwhisperer!!! 
