LOOKING FOR STOCK.... (the guy in the bottom of the boat...)Lookin' For Stock
Adapted from Johnny Lee by KENOcity
Well, I spent a lifetime lookin' for you
Bad News Releases and good time pumpers were always true
Playing a fools game, hopin' to win
And tellin' those sweet lies and losin' again
I was lookin' for lStock in all the wrong places
Lookin' for stock in and holding the ACEs
Searchin' the SEDAR and all the Boards
Lookin' for traces of what I'm dreaming of
Hoping to find a stock like no other
I'll bless the day I discover the winning play
Lookin' for you… ohh you JFC
And I was alone then, no stock in sight
And I did everything I could to get me through the night
Don't know where it started or where it might end
I lucked into JFC who I thought was a friend
I was lookin' for stock for all the wrong reasons
Lookin' for stock in that was going to be pleasing
Searchin the boards and always Hoping
Lookin' for traces of what I'm dreaming of
Hoping to find a trading HALT and a winner
JFC I wished that you were my steak dinner
Lookin' for stock…. Hoping and praying
You came knockin' on my door
Thought the AGM was what I've been looking for…
Now…No more lookin' for stock in all the wrong places
Lookin' for stock in too many faces
Searchin' the boards and just a hoping
Lookin' for traces of what I'm dreaming of
Now I see JFC is having some issues
Nothinghere to report and Im grabbing tissues
You, oh you, lookin' for stock
In all the wrong places
(Lookin' for stock) that I can trust
Not one that is going Bust…
Lookin' for traces of what I'm dreaming of
Now that I know … and we were hoping to show
I curse the day I discovered
You, oh you, JFC, lookin' for stock