RE:Canadian Exro Tech To Canadian Super star Stock Lightspeed"! Ahh yes, Shopify. I took a shot at investing in this great company in late 2017 - still hold, and will pass on to my grandkids. Other than not investing a hell of a lot more ($#&*$#!!!), it obviously worked out very well.
At the time, Shopify was not profitable and the general consensus back then was that it would take a number of years before it got there. Great revenue growth but a ways to go. Needless to say they got there and more quicker than anticipated.
What struck me most was the back story of Tobi Lutke and my thinking that this was truly a company for the times. Yeah, the phenomenal revenue growth made investing all the more compelling.
There is only one other company that I have come across in recent memory that struck me the same way and that is Exro. I believe it truly is a company for the times. Time will tell and that is key here. All the signs are there, we have to be patient.
Having said all that I have looked hard at Lightspeed and I too think it is a great company with tremendous leadership.
I just like Exro better.