Continual DowntrendBack in Sept 2020 was seriously comtemplating on buying FURY but decided on another stock at as it came to two companies. Fortunately picked another company as yielded a monthly dividend and wise choice - never can predict future. I thought there was strong value in FURY as was around 2.00 dollars and always thought this had potenatial towards 3 or higher.
FURY has been on a total downtrend over the last year and wonder where the bottom is on this stock. However, realize gold sector has been a poor performer over last year.
It is hard to determine whether FURY shows value at these prices and whether continues to correct towards .25 to .50 cent range similar to Eastmain resources before the restructuring.
The fiasco with Eastmain getting a lower price than was initially stated in news release and gimmicks by the CEO seameed to appear to greasy for my comfort at that time. He spoke to highly of FURY being undervalued and never had enough substance to back it up.
That said, a poor environment in gold but FURY has not lived up to its initial expectations.