RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:Ronald MacDonald does show His Trades on Sedi !!!!!!!!!!!!!!nineply: YOU cannot find any filings on Ron MacDonald on Sedi because he has done no (Zero) trades.
Do you get it. NO Trades and there is no Filings.
NOW about Enterprize value.
Enterprize Value is computed by Adding The stock price times the number of shares for Market Cap. plus all Debt, minus cash on hand.
Simple to understand. Right. Now what is the Enterprize value actually composed of. It is the value of the other parts of the company. Tangible being Tools, Equipment, Real estate ect. It also the sum of the intangibles being, Good Will, customer loyalty, employee loyalty, patents, Trade secrets, ect.
When you buy a company, you pay the stock price not the Enterprize Value. If you are doing a take over, you then compute what you believe is a realistic Enterprize value ( what you are willing to pay ) add the cash on hand, and subtract all debt. This gives you the market Cap and thus the share price you are willing to pay.
You can only do a take over deal if the share holders and management, and you (the take over party) agree on the take over price. This a agreed to price per share for the company. The actual payment maybe cash, or a combination of cash and shares in the company doing the buying.
To sum this information up for a moron like ninply; You pay the price agreed for any business and the Enterprize value is just part of the total price.
NOTE; This is, investor 101, and nineply, this (Goof) cannot understand this simple process.