HopefulJ -- are you a shareholder? I ask with all respect and no ill will. You seem super negative on this stock and company...just wondering why you stick around. This is not a short since the price is so low and the volume mostly non why be here?
If you are actually interested in a return on your investment -- I would suggest that the focus should actually be Rockchain and those services. The gravel business is lumpy and not predictable -- the mid-stream type of model where you can facilitate sales and delivery for others way beyond your own borders makes a lot more sense to me.
Also -- the sand play is a potential home run for us. We will be the lowest cost producer/supplier in the region and will be greener than everyone due in simple fact to the lack of need to ship the sand over vast distances. If this gets going we are easily worth multiples of where we are at...I wouldnt discount it so quickly.
Back to original ? though....why stick around if you are so negative...just doesn't add up to me