Entourage aka WeedMDI will continue to hold this stock..even though i am down 89%,
The entire cannabis sector on the CDN side turned out to be quite the scam.
I have been spending the past year cleaning up the mess in my portfolio,
I just dumped EMH (after holding for 5 years), i sold FLWR( lost $1500 there) and i dumped HITI and ISH when uplist and buyout announced, I made money on those
I also made 50K on Canopy and 50K on CRONOS
the sector owes me nothing and i am not sour, BUT WOW what a sh.it show
almost every company is bust. And the sector does not make money for the comanies or its investors...
WOW, some called it. I thought it was a no brainer.
Well a lot of people got it wrong.
ENTG, i will hold and see if you come back to life..
but the R.I.P the Canadian Weed sector...wow