RE:RE:RE:FYI, best intercept so far at NFG, 3700 gm-meters, is not PulpCutter wrote: RVGolf. I documented my post. In fact, the intercept I cited was the 2017 Mining News award winner for best intercept of the year, so it was well-known.
Not my problem if reality is difficult for you to deal with. Most successful investors like to do what's called "due diligence", which involves getting the facts before you invest.
First of all to address your post:
1. NFG's gxm big 3 holes and many others are better than all of the others in the list you cited. That is a fact.
2. The Fosterville hit g xm is fantastic. Great but that is not the whole story. First, NFG has multiple zones and shallow depths and is very very early in its drilling. Based on yesterday's PR, only about 17% of assays have been released thus far of the 200K drill program. Even after this monster program is over, we will have another in FY 2022. NFG's multi-zones and strike length of about 70KM or so and potential zones on both sides of the AP fault ect. , cannot be matched by Fosterville.
Finally, Fosterville is a great great deposit. NFG need not be in competition with it since it is a producing mine and super duper profitable. It is easy to get carried away with comparisons.
However, instead of pointing this out, you rant about folks here not doing there DD. Are you kidding me?