Glen from IR departmentForgot his last name sorry guys but here's what he says about CVX Thanks (my name), I have been a shareholder long before they were a client. We would not have taken them on as a client if I did not like the business. However please do not manage your portfolio by my opinion on this business. We are an IR firm and not a broker dealer or advisor. Covid happened and is still happening. Delays as a result happened. There is disruption to their industry and customers and CVX as a result. This is out of their control. They did not lose business but some of the orders are delayed. Their backlog has been growing significantly. It was only 10M in 2017 and is 94M today. Significant infrastructure spending is anticipated both in the US and Canada. That should only help. Again, please dont base your investment decisions on what I like or dont like. These are personal decisions based on our own individual financial situation. Our risk tolerance may be different. At the end of the day seek advice from your own stockbroker. I hope this helps.