RE:Attachie60% liquids seems way too high for that area.
the pilot program is 54% liquids.
I don't see anybody operating in that area getting 60% liquids cuts.
alertmeipp wrote: From RBC:
Attachie project would pay out in less than two years at current prices of C$75/bbl. At our deck, we see the Attachie project paying out in less than two years (post commissioning), as shown in Exhibit 4. We see Attachie—fully ramped at 42,000 boe/d—delivering annualized cash flow of approximately $500 million (at C$75/bbl, C$2.50/mcf), with roughly 85% of revenue driven by liquids. This takes into account facility construction of $700 million, consisting of $250 million for plant/lines/ water, $350 million for initial DCET, and about $100 million annually to keep the plant full.
Attachie - poised for Q4/21 sanctioning. Attachie Phase 1 remains the next major project for ARC, which contemplates a capital investment of $600 million (about half plant/facilities) driving volume output of 40,000 boe/d (~60% liquids) and free cash flows of roughly $400 million (C$75/ bbl oil). As one of the largest undeveloped Montney plays in Western Canada, Attachie represents meaningful future upside and with success, sets up for Phase 2/3 expansions. We have explored the Attachie project more in our recent research here.