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Liminal BioSciences Inc. LMNL

Liminal BioSciences is a biopharmaceutical company focused on the discovery and development of novel, small molecule drug candidates for the treatment of patients suffering from fibrotic or inflammatory diseases that have a high unmet medical need. Liminal BioSciences operates on an integrated basis from our talent hubs in Laval, Quebec, Canada, and Cambridge, UK. Our common shares are listed for trading on the Nasdaq Global Market.

NDAQ:LMNL - Post by User

Comment by PLITheOneon Aug 13, 2021 1:47pm
Post# 33701468

RE:RE:Call for action

RE:RE:Call for action

Absolutely, a good alternative.

Investigations and Enforcement hotline +1 301 978 8310 or

wyndewest wrote: Thanks Balain.  I intend to contact the Nasdaq enforcement today. To put my concern in writing is easier for me than a phone call BUT i do wonder if some phone calls would also be helpful.  There are some that are very aware of the problem and would be able to verbally articulate the problem. If enough calls are made there may be a more immediate response.  Just a thought....


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