RE:How my Commies doing from Canada? ..and you think your little open legged daughters have a right to murder the little babies the cooles things by far that have ever been created?
By litening to planned parenthood and you and your oafish and evil wives.
We will stop you. The president of the Congo ain't gonna let the canadian murderers the National Socialists of Germany and Canada,
get into his country, to murder the little tiny defenseless ones -- the wee ones -- who come out full of life, like tiny DYNAMOS....SO MUCH FUN.....
sickening western girls, with their legs open, going to planned parent hood and murdering the little girls and gals.............just below a flap of skin.............just tickled pink to be alive, a miracle,
and The President of the Congo will never let your filth get into his country, you and your kids and open legged way. We must protect the little people -- the innocents who just came to the party of life. NO stabbing them, no putting them in a suction hose, no taking their body parts
You liberals, murderers.........who pretend it does not happen. The President of the Congo, trust me, the greatest moment of his life, will be kickiing out the Chinese and Canadian Communists, yoiur filthy disgusting liberal women.........And taking back his country. This will be a new paradigm of freedom for the little babies of the congo.
The Wee People of the Congo, will get to make -- finally -- a statement for infants all over the globe.
It will be so tremendous, and the President of the Coingo is unafraid. In fact, he has recentlyl said he will square up with the filthy billionaire commuhists of canada.
Look it up. He said he.
He is awesome.
baby murderers go home.