I am now rather interested in the latest tributary to form on the back of the less than raging, but strong flowing "TIGRIS".  I see Leonard and Steven have "picked up" coverage on Sigyn ( SIGY )  Good article with an interesting past.  Are you sure the "outing of Eeeeen" some 20 years ago is still the reason for a "Blackout on Spectral"?  I find it curious you were also involved ( oddly ) with Synergex too.  That Synergex program sure left a "dent" ; - ) More curiously, when "covering" bio-tech, why not cover real and proven science?  Is it everybody's job to keep EDT at or close to 52 week loes whilst we promote the knewer "eager beaver$"? I wonder if Maggies's hubby owns EDTXF in his hedge fund?  

Americans will eventually say "YES" Mr. Takasheeta, BUt not until they've formed enough "tributarie$" to make it worth their while ; - ) It is A LOT of pressure for the Paullymyxin B...but 300,000 usages and near the same number of strategies to leverage off the science leave us "confident"