RE:RE:geotec now SPOTBlindboy very nice you post this as I have been looking at this a few times today but
could you bring some opinion please as to what it means.
Are they looking to replace the Leapfrog Geo software that is regarded user friendly
in the industry? Are they looking at creating software for their specific needs for the
new not well understood epizonal orogenic gold structures that is the new sexy?
Regardless I am hoping and think they are hoping to provide interactive 3D software
us couchpotato geos can play around with.
I know they mention AI a lot but how well they can use it they have a far better idea
than I.
I emplore you blind boy to stop your groping in the dark and give us an opinion.
My own dog in 8 months has to become blind with cataracts and have had to rename
him Blind Melon Chitlin IKE