Questions for BiorunBio, you seem to be a lot more upbeat than most(many) of us about SBM. Do you have any insights you can share that will convince us that they will remain solvent for the time being?
Do you honestly think they have something concrete in the fire that will light some fire under this doozy?
Can you get any direct answers out of them or do you have to rely on the lame-duck IR firm that simply passes on the same sh*t that they feed them?
Are you truly upbeat about SBM because there is genuine cause, or just to try to remain upbeat to prevent further share price erosion?
This is not a question but rather a comment: I challenge anyone to come up with another company that has been so arrogant, reticent, deflective, inconsiderate and inept, underinformed, deceptive, overzealous, and afraid to pass on the truth to shareholders than this company.
Talk about dead money???? This baby takes the cake.
BeAlert, that is, next time you try to do your D.D. on a stock such as this one.