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VIQ Solutions Inc T.VQS

Alternate Symbol(s):  VQSSF

VIQ Solutions Inc. is a Canada-based global provider of secure, artificial intelligence (AI)-driven, digital voice and video capture technology and transcription services. The Company offers comprehensive solution suite that delivers intelligent automation, enhanced with human review, to drive transformation in the way content is captured, secured, and repurposed into actionable information. The cyber-secure, AI technology and services platform are implemented in the rigid security environments including criminal justice, legal, insurance, government, corporate finance, media, and transcription service provider markets, enabling them to improve the quality and accessibility of evidence, to easily identify predictive insights. Its proprietary AI models and supervised learnings are built and trained on large set of specialized industry and client specific content not publicly available to large language models. It has operations in the United States, Canada, Australia, and Europe.

TSX:VQS - Post by User

Post by HaulJockeyon Aug 22, 2021 12:05pm
Post# 33746123

Is it just me

Is it just me
Or does FLYHT (FLYHT Areospace) seem to be a good fit for VQS?
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