RE:SIMPLY TERRIFYING This post right here is the perfect post to show how the pumpers here do not care how much you loose investing here.
They think the things that will affect the market are jokes, they dont have to worry becuse they are not invested. Just thier time as they get paid per post
JuIieRichards wrote: OMG, Terrifying, Lambda... all the way to Omega, market bubbles ..oooooooooh, death crosses, crushing collapses, LMAOROF at the troll farm dwellers. The insights are just so deep and thoughtful. Too bad they don't have a dime on them to back up their dribble with some action. The strongest accumulators have always relied on bears who have the means to act to help them with timely adds at improved prices. But lately all the noise is from the ATNA club. Yeeeeeee Haaaaaa. And even broader markets ultimately will climb the wall of worry. And AC will keep on rebuilding its business and eventually switch to cash positive. And that's without the impending boost from a barrage of Aerroplan deals, co-ventures and expansion into 2 million American households.