Hedge or not to hedge!As I recall the protection purchased did not signal a change in the long term philosophy of Sherritt not to hedge their production but rather as a temporary measure to protect their balance sheet in the event that nickel prices corrected.
Man I wish Contrarian would come back from his holiday or wherever he has disappeared to and correct some of the nonsense posted on this board.
It would take a while to wade through some of the wrong facts posted here by certain parties. Case in point - somebody recently said Sherritt doubled their share count with their 2018 share offering. Wrong!
And what is this Fed whack job doing with his negative critique of the company when he doesn't even know the details of their price protection initiative or apparently how to look up a filing. At least after some baggering YourFriendo disclosed a trade in the stock (although why you would put on a trade and continue to bash the Company is anybody's guess).
Geez! The insanity continues..................Full disclosure. I'm long the stock. I've made money and I expect to make more. I do greatly appreciate the fact and information based posts from a variety of participants - even if the information provided doesn't support the bull case. I mean - thats why I'm here for - to learn and gather information.