down 22 cents that's the 30% pull back of the popI discussed yesterday. To make money in the market and be able to sleep at night while you're doing it it's important to know what to expect and why. It won't be long before all the technical cheer leaders revert back to bashing and whining and complaining. You have to ignore them otherwise you'll make bad decisions. Time in the market always beats timing the market. I suggest you write down all the terrific progress the company has made that brought them to $8.50. put that on your fridge and look at it every morning because these positives will be hard to remember with all the technical screaming and crying that we're about to endure. Progress at the business level is the key indicator as to the performance of share price. The technicals are horribly misleading because of low volume. In a very real way they are intentionally manipulated to put information in front of you that will cause you to lose confidence and sell. You are the algo.