C'mon Peter: time to Perform and get these orders!Yes Peter: time for ACTION, PERFORMANCE, ORDERS AND SIGNED CONTRACTS. After all you are the one who told us and let us believe last April 16 you expected a minimum of $65M of signed contracts within 6 months. (now $63.8M left within the next -2 months). Is Peter Credible or not? Peter got a $1,2M order in 4 months and still $63.8M remaining till mid-October) If Peter is credible? and if in Peter's words you trust, you should pick up all available shares now available cause the SP should at least double $5 to $10 by mid-October. Do you know any other stock that will double your investment in less than 2 months? Is your CEO credible and will perform his own expectations? Let's wait and see! We'll know soon enough! Time flies! Have a great weekend! Good4You