SGY oil pricingGood morning all,
Someone dumping a ton of shares this morning, by 11am we were already 150% of daily volume traded. Nothing to worry about, someone just getting rid of a position equals cheap shares for another to pick up and pick up some smart person out there did as we are now back to the positive side for the day!
I completed some research over the last couple of days to update the pricing of Oil sold by SGY following the take over of Astra. I was able to determine that the % of type of product sold has changed substantially and in a positive way over the past year and especially with the addition of Astra wells.
As of today Sgy now sells 60% of it’s product into the Edmonton Light stream / pricing and 40% of it’s product into the WCS stream / pricing. As of last year the % was significantly more towards WCS, this is very positive for the company as Light is worth significantly more in the current market.
Factoring those numbers into my normal calculation using the following:
Spot WCS Pricing - $55.79
Spot Edmonton Light Pricing - $64.45
USD – $1.2627
SGY is currently getting an avg price per barrel of their oil in Canadian funds of $77.04. This is substantially on the side of profit and very positive cash flow numbers.
The future is bright for SGY and we are just at the start of what is going to be a long term bull run for small/mid cap oil space.
Good luck to all the longs!