There not very many shorts out there shorting this and even if you could, not much retail have access to it. Trust me, I would love, love, love, to short this turd!
Knowing Thomvest, they are the ones shorting in a round about way knowing the direction they are taking this company!
Don't underestimate the underhanded, unethical boundaries of these criminals! They are predators out to screw investors anyway they can.
Any company involved with Thomvest is something to stay away from!!
Damnre wrote:
4Justice wrote: I'm not a lawyer, just a bailiff. I think SALP, with the majority they have could privatize the company and bought at the VWAP the 30% in the hands of small shareholders. I don't think they have to negociate something.
buying the 10m shares at the actual price is nothing to get it private. But something is fishy why don'g they do it?
money was not the problem..ones the voucher money is in the bank it's not good timing to take it private!
Lawsuit is blocking them?
It looks amateur but they may surprise us and burn the shorts with something nobody expects. I certainly hope so!