RE:Others working on a similar techBDM - I think there are a lot of organizations looking to develop the technology. Some have been conducting this work for years. All with the goal of doing it as cheap as possible. They know the technology works but is very expensive. Getting an auto manufacturer on board to help finance the development is huge. But if one can finance the development without the auto manufacturer as a partner they will benefit even more in future sales of the technology to the auto manufacturing sector rather than being tied to one group.
Bernard through his network has found an organization that has worked on the technology for other applications rather than cars. It may be that if this truely works this same technology that has powered a 3 bedroom home can be transferred and built out for other applications such as powering cars and trucks.
This is all interesting and fun to follow. I am looking forward to the varification that the system works and can be mass produced and then the varification that the technology can power a plant where HPQ will use that electricy power to all their systems in the production of Silicon Nano powders etc.