Facts are Plain. Fact - Company CEO remains in a position ballpark 12 to 18 months.
Fact - The guy has ZERO experience in the new technology game and has ZERO credability
Fact - The people hired for key roles are inexperienced and PROVEN ineffective
Fact - ZERO traction has been achieved since new CEO started
Fact - The Shareprice hasn't moved
Fact - The average shareholder is trapped in a 0.70 to 2.00
Fact - CMR was a MASSIVE mislead
Fact - The MSG is made by Safepointe ORS
Fact - VRS still hasnt been sold
Fact - MSG being madeby Safepointe ORS is why it was hidden away in a romm at ISC West
Fact - The room at ISC West was void of anything that could set off a false alarm
Fact - The Plaza install is done and the General manager they used for the press release isnt the general manager any longer.
Fact - Limitless Integrations has VERY LITTLE to say about Patriot One and has started to promote alternatives
Fact - The iDENT MODS people are NOWHERE to be seen and all now have alternative jobs