RE:RE:RE:Vaccines For the record I looked at the pros and cons of being vaccinated and I then decided to get vaccinated based on my own thought process. I have family and friends who have for many different reasons chosen not to take the vaccine and I support thier FREEDOM OF CHOICE.
You sound like you're a viroligists but I have a feeling that you're just a far lefty liberal that moves the goal post to where it suits them best. You are the same people who insist street people should have the freedom of choice to waste away with drugs and live on the doorstep of a small business but I can assure you that you would change your mind if they lived on your front lawn. You guys still can't answer the simple logical question, if the vaccination works why do I care if someone else is not vaccinated, other them than taxing the hospital system. In the USA approximately 200k+ people per year die of the flu, the flu is highly contagious so shall we force flu vax? The benchmark from Israel states that natural imunity is 13x more effective then the vaccine, when a new strain mutates which would you rather have, natural imunity or stick yourself with another different type vacination? The CDC says if you've had chicken pox then you should not get vaccinated because your immune system is protective enough but this does not apply to Covid, why? Cigarettes kill yet it's still sold on the shelves and people are not isolated from society nor do they lose their jobs why, oh yah government tax revenue. Self pumping gasoline fumes is incredibly more carcinogenic then cigarete smoking yet not a peep. Does the government tell you what type of person is dying of Covid, how much of it is stemmed from obesity, heart and nutrition issues, shall we force people to go to the gym, outlaw KFC and Coca Cola? Why not it puts WAY more pressure on the medical system than Covid does. Have you ever heard of thalidomide? You should ask over 100,000 children(the ones that are still alive) and thier families what thier thoughts are, after all the drug was appoved by the government. This is different then the government forcing you to wear a seatbelt, this is forcing you to inject a modified disease into your body. Not everyone is a brave soldier like you so maybe try some compassion and understanding.
Bottom line; I agree with you in that I think(and really hope) that the vaccine is a good thing long term however I look at the overuling imposing lefty liberals like yourself as the true world pandemic and it is truly what we need to fight.