I doubt there is FRAUD, Marcy's husband was ( was ) a lawyer. And yes, shes got some decent people on the board. But its total BS about the lab etc etc. Ive talked to many many companys now ( more than 5 ) all sending core to the same lab in Burnaby ....and no one, is getting core "ONE YEAR", they are getting it in 8- 10 weeks.
So to that, weve been told ....you guys can use the word, I kinda like BS!
So I suspect, that some ones been buying but with 79-100M o/s were either getting a new deal, a roll back but you know when something does not feel right, or you put on a shirt thats to tight you change it, right. But when you fly fish, and you have a "fish on" you know it.....it takes practice to learn how to set the hook...
J103 Im far to old not to be suspect! Here, is the real concern, for each and everyone of us, how much money is left in the till? And are filling fees paid up todate!!!! Another raise of capital at these prices and were getting an even bigger hair cut......
Maybe he's calling the shots.....