Curve ball Number 3?Another day, another new low. Seems a little too convient for my tastes as most of the other similar spec plays in this space haven't really done anything either way. Silver is stuck in a tight range, Pino has been pretty much discounted by everyone and i guess folks (like myself) aren't expecting much from the El Mezquite upcoming drill results. So what's up with all this volume and what seesms like someone "intentionally" walking down the share price purposely? If i was a betting man (which i am) i'd say someone knows something and it has nothing to do with drill results.
With that said folks, i will know place my bets & predict that this "illustrious" Silver Sprout mgmt will "surprise" us once again with another magic trick and pull another wonderfull rabbit out of their magician's hat. Therefore, i'd say that what we are witnessing here with the trading is a "possible" upcoming financing in the works. And as you know that Silver Sprout mgmt is always continuously looking out for their "s/h interests" and will be actively searching & working hard to get them them "best deals" the possibly can. Yeah, i know folks, i'm laying it in a bit thick but i think you the the point.
So my friends, be prepared ONCE again for a nasty surprise, as i expect Silver Sprout mgmt to proudly announce they will doing a Private Placement or PP as they say.......quite soon AND quite cheap from the looks of it. So based on my experience AND at this current situation, i'd say a modest PP at a dismal 5 cents is very probable. Do i like this prospect? No, definitely not......... as pasable mgmt would have gotten at least 6 or 7 cents, half decent mgmt would have definitely gotten sometihng inbetween 6 & 10 cents, good quality managers something over a dime......and the highest calibre mgmt wouldn't have gotten in this situation in the first place. Unfortunately for us, this is what we are stuck with IF we want to keep holding this stock.
Good luck & God speed