seems they got an identity problemeveryone can see aav needs higher liquids. Alas they are king of zero carbon, making that oil idea an issue for them. Now they simply have to move on entropy before they pull that oil lever hard. Note they are doing certain oil related pipeline activities and are looking to acquisitions at Progress and/or Wembley to achieve some critical mass to operate efficiently enuf to compete for development dollars with a low cost gas business with zero additional costs to produce thru Glacier... um... the gas play will always be better bang seeing gas at $4.50 and some.. heading straight thru $5 as winter approaches.
so they boost spending thru YE, simply moving some work a qtr forward, nothing of import but the market whacks the share price a dime\? well... if I hadn't all the stock I can handle already, at this time... if I had money to buy, I would buy today. today is kinda an ezy win.. gas up, good news at HQ... loads of money, a wall of good times. own it