Buckle up! News Cycle is upon us Watch insiders announce that they bought 2,820,000 shares at the same time or close to the PEA release. Immediately after we should get the drill holes from Monique released. (From page 71 of AGM report [url=https://https://www.probemetals.com/site/assets/files/1112/annual_fs_with_md_a.pdf]AGM materials[/url])
The Monique deposit is a BIG DEAL. It makes up most of the Measured and Indicated ounces more than 800,000 ounces and their are many Monique holes from the last release that were not included in the last resource plus these new holes. This means with the current permit we can immediately start producing from this deposit.
In addition to Monique’s drill results we should shortly there after less than a month get the Detour drill results. Shareholders should expect the Detour land package and the Chromite deposit to be spun off as “Probe Exploration.”
Essentially this means Probe Metals, Val Dor asset will be sold for a cash premium* and the shareholders will now be holders of “Probe Exploration. “
*Expected cash sale price for Val’Dor C$500 million or C$3.33