20B added week ending August 27Only 20 BCF added to storage last week, and gas storage is down 16.8% year over year.
https://ir.eia.gov/ngs/ngs.html We are 7.2 % below the five year average, and things just could not look much better, except that IDA knocked out about 2 BCF of gas production a day. Maybe no build next week?
It looks strong, strong, strong for gas, and really is ARX not in a great place with 1010 MMcf of gas processing capacity available at Kakwa and only 443 MMcf used last quater.
I think we are going to have to hire a few
Rocket Scientists to help management understand that these kind of opportunity will not be around for ever.
What is management doing TODAY to capitialized on the Strong Commodity Prices in place?
I know, paying off 2 percent debt.