Why Aliis will be relevant for so long...
Hi everybody, got an answer from Kevin Gordon regarding the Aliis limit(2k video stream), since Aliis can't process on a cell phone right now 4k or 8k video, based on a pixel by pixel processing. As a comparison, here below the standards video formats rfrence. Your first thought is probably, why not to process 4K and 8K format right away since the latest smart phones have the possibility to record videos in 4k and for some in 8K (30fps). The answer is quite interesting. We need to take into account many items : - the need to process the video at the edge (directly on the cell phone or on any other devices, without to involve any backend servers) - the amount of pixels explodes when we compare 2k to 4k/8k images/videos - analysis based on pixel by pixel - the way Aliis is working (it's the reason why the results are stunning instead to process multiple pixel together, meaning a loss of detail within the image) - the way a neural network works requires multiple operations on a same pixel to apply only one type of upgrade to the image - the need to process multiple times an image within a video stream to upgrade based on the manufacturer needs (Aliis functions : low-light, anti-glare, etc...) - the actual hardware technology provided by the smart phones manufacturers is limited in its capacity to process data (CPU power, memory speed, even for those with multiple CPUs) So as you can see the technology is stretched right now and Aliis exploits the hardware at full capacity, while maintaining the possibility to process a video stream efficiently and applying multiple upgrades/fix at the same time, let's say at 30 fps (image per second) fluidly. I asked the question to Kevin for a good reason, who in this world would be able to process a 4k video at the edge on the market in the near term and then a 8k video in the future. Clearly it will be difficult. - NXO has patents on the way to be approved formally for many functions. - The hardware is limited right now, so everybody are limited with the CPU power available on the different devices. - The new player would need to invent a new way to process the video stream efficiently at the edge (ref point 1.) - NXO has been chosen by 3 Big players in the market and those players begin the marketing by placing NXO in the front line, which prove its value. At the end it means NXO technology will be relevant for many years to come in the future and will be clearly adopted through huge distribution channels such as their 3 big partners, exactly as mentioned by Rich Geruson when he took the chair man position. https://www.napavalleytv.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/resolution-comparison-01-768x493.png 1280720 (HD, 720p) 19201080 (FHD, Full HD, 1080p) 25601440 (QHD, WQHD, Quad HD, 1440p) - Aliis capacity 38402160 (UHD, Ultra HD, 4K, 2160p) 76804320 (8K Ultra HD, 8K, 4320p) https://m.facebook.com/groups/1251984001593602/permalink/3229278710530778/