RE:RE:RE:$$ ;Totolaly Bo/SM1 and 1Rockit.... it will happen. I suppose I'm waiting for the buy out so this really doesn't matter too much to me. But AMK is so so so freakin leveraged/undervalued. When things pop....AMK will rip....I'm struggling with the ratios of JV stocks with AMK...what to do...what to do. Yes I've been vocal in stating the fact that we are the depedant on Tud....we are NOT the constant.
you know I think I answered my own question. ....right in there is TUO: my many filet mignons can you have under one company name? Strategically, there will be a day to really load up on TUO...I just hope I'm not missing the boat as I write this. Honestly the best asset the Amigos have is Highper keeping us informed on "his" details, which overflow to us. Thnx Highper.
No matter how you look at all of this, if you can endure the cr@p and the scare tactics, we are totally set....hope you guys have a good holiday weekend- TSX is closed too?