Continuing to Report Abuse Where AppropriateHey folks, I hope you're doing well!
I want to build on Shneps' excellent post about reporting any of TrstAph's comments which abuse Stockhouse guidelines.
I am proposing that we collectively make an effort, to report any comments from any user, which meet Stockhouse's criteria for abuse (Spam or Advertising, Defamatory Statements, Vulgarity / Profanity, etc.). If we report these comments as we see them, then we can prevent commentors who do not have anything to contribute to this board, from regularly posting these comments which violate Stockhouse standards.
Stockhouse has these standards for a reason, and so when we see information from a poster which contains one or multiple of the following abuses, we have the responsibility to report it, in order to allow us to feel comfortable using this board without experiencing these abuses.
Speficially, the Stockhouse qualifiers for reporting an abusive comment, are if the comment meets any of the following criteria. I have added my own context below Stockhouse's criteria. When reporting comments, be sure to select the single criteria which applies the most to the comment:
1. "Spam or Advertising":
We've seen lots of these inappropriate posts which have either no relevance to the stock, or even go as far as promoting other stocks
2. "Defamatory Statements"
Defamation refers to harming a person's or business's reputation by making a false written or oral statement about that person to a third party. This has certainly occured, with accusations against the company based on no facts.
3. "Copyright Violation"
I don't think I've seen this one.
4. "Vulgarity/Profanity"
We've certainly seen a fair amount of this.
5. "Physical Threats"
I don't think I've explicity seen this one
6. "Invasion of Privacy"
I don't beleive I've seen this
7. "Violations to the Human Rights Code"
I don't think this one's been frequently required
Stockhouse's website writes that the community is for "investors to engage with other like-minded investors and participate in *meaningful* conversations about stocks." Meaningful means having a serious, important, or useful quality of purpose. We should also be able to engage in conversations on this board, free of any of the abuses cited above.
I appreciate us coming together as a community - which is invested in bringing eachother up, and sharing info, being excited, and being kind, to cut off any of these abuse comments at the root. If we do this, then this board can be one where we are free from abuses, and which we can look forward to coming to.
Thanks for reading this and for your consideration. Hope you're having a great day!