RE:RE:PYR pumpers resorting to bullying rather than admit... The difference in the two companies, Againstallhope, is that SZLS is selling its product right now.
Also, PYR is at the top of its price cycle, having over ten-bagged from the mid-$0.30 range it was in in Jan. 2020, at the start of the Covid crisis. SZLS is in a price trough where it has been for a while. It has hit bottom.
Upside vs downside.
If you don't see the sense in that, you are clearly caught up in the UncleWrong circus of mindless greed and pumping euphoria that will cost so many in the near term.
Oh, and to address another point, fumed silica is nowhere near as important as oil, right?
Yet, the most promising, pumped tech in oil in the last decade never got off the ground.
Check out V. WEE, and hope it doesn't happen to you.
(Mind you, those who bought at $0.45 two weeks ago will make money, because they bought in the price trough... get it?
Againstallodds2 wrote: This is funny gojo. Especially coming from the biggest pumper Szls has ever seen. What do you get paid to pump some stocks while bashing others? Just curious.