Brucejack: HYPERenrichment of gold_ Bonanza...!... The Brucejack Gold Deposit
In order to test for the existence of gold nanoparticles in a fossilhydrothermal system and gain insight into the process by whichthey could form bonanza gold veins, we have undertaken a trans-mission electron microscopy (TEM) study of mineralization fromthe Brucejack epithermal gold deposit in northwestern BritishColumbia, Canada. This deposit, which was emplaced near themargin of a long-lived island arc at ∼184 Ma (27), is host to abundant, spatially restricted occurrences of bonanza-grade mineralization [up to 41,582 g/t Au in a 0.5 m diamond drill coreinterval (28)] in veins with an average thickness of 10 cm(ranging up to a maximum thickness of 2 m). Local concen-trations of >1,000 g/t Au occur in at least three generations ofelectrum-bearing quartz-carbonate veins over a vertical extentexceeding 1,500 m which, from fluid inclusion studies, are inter-preted to have developed as a result of boiling and/or fluid mixing(28). The high-grade gold mineralization occurs typically as 1 to30 cm diameter/length dense clots, comprising microveinlets of electrum [Au62Ag38, on average (29)] and calcite in narrow (1 to50 cm wide) vein swarms and wider (meter- to decameter-scale)quartz-carbonate stockworks andveinbreccias.Thedistribu-tion of electrum clots within the veins is highly irregular; someveins contain many clots in close proximity to each other, suchthat the veins locally contain over 50 wt % electrum (Fig. 1),whereas others contain a single electrum clot. Moreover, withinvein swarms commonly only a single vein contains electrumclots, and the others are visibly barren. The wallrock to both theelectrum-bearing and barren veins has been affected strongly byextensive, preelectrum phyllic alteration, which hosts lower grade(<5 g/t Au), invisible gold in colloform, oscillatory arsenic-richgrowth zones in pyrite (29). These rocks, however, do not containelectrum except in rare cases where localized postmineral defor-mation sheared electrum along fault planes beyond vein confines....
AU - McLeish, Duncan
AU - Williams-Jones, Anthony
AU - Vasyukova, Olga
AU - Clark, James
AU - Board, Warwick
PY - 2021/05/18
SP - e2100689118
T1 - Colloidal transport and flocculation are the cause of the hyperenrichment of gold in nature
VL - 118
DO - 10.1073/pnas.2100689118
JO - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
ER -
Dry science language but worth to read it also as full article: What did they found in the developing
new Q2/Q3 exploration drifts which are underground extentions of the existing underground production tunnels into new territories. In the Q2 webcast they lost not any word about these new extention tunnels for explorations... I only remember that they are building much more "sleeping places" at Brucejack, 775 places should be ready by year end if I remember correctly. An impressive number of workers for a roughly 3800 tones per day mine. Smells like an extention of the existing workforce is planed.
For what reason do they build so many new additional sleeping places for workers at the Brucejack mine?!
I guess they knew and know much more about new additional resources than they told us some weeks ago.
And on top: our own lab will be ready for work soon.
Poor shorters...