Piskanja update wish list As a regular schmuck investor that knows way to much about a little valley in Serbia, here's what I'd like to hear from Tim and Michael together, and they should be speaking together, in case either are watching. Feel free to add anything onto the list.
90% of it is Step1, Step 2, Step 3. Keep updating and rehashing for the next 5 years please. Here's what we are going to do, here's how we are going to do it, here's how long it will take, here are the hurdles that could slow us down, here are a few ways to get ahead of or around snags. If you get through Stage 3 nothing else really matters. I'm sure the share price has to be over $1.50 at that point so we've already won the game then. Perhaps outline how you will update shareholders on a routine basis, say every month or two with a progress report. Or we will let you know if we expect delays re Ministry or lab delays for example.
This might be a Tim thing only, but an honest update on Pobrdje. If it's not coming ok, not the end of the world. They seemed to owe you $10M re lawsuit or Pobrdje, but if you don't want to bug because Piskanja is in the works, how about some kind of other favour. Or maybe that was what the Jarandol exploration rights were for?? If so, no problem. Makes sense. But Jarandols only useful when we are poor, don't bother giving it to us when we are ready to mine Piskanja.
Im assuming Temas is the mystery player in Jarandol? If so, let's hear what's up with that. We are do to renew the rights early next year, so we already have screwed that up. Of course we've been too busy doing next to nothing the last two years so you better think of a good excuse for the Ministry and shareholders.
Tell is something we don't know. Do you still have 3rd party interests. How many entities want to buy product. Tell us we are working to have all the product pre-sold as of construction time.
How about we in negotiations with the EU for concessions for guaranteed product to member nations if you guarantee financing for mine construction or $5M grant?? Something like that would be a game changer. Now you can't say it if it's not true, but would be nice to hear what's being going on behind the scenes. Oh, maybe a deal with a commodities broker to sell all the product. Do we plan to refine the boron for more profit? Do we plan on increasing yearly output for 5 year old estimates? Do we drill to the north west or south west or where ever after licence given?? But this stuff is just gravy thoughts.
Back to step 1, 2, and 3? 3 months, then 6 months, then 2 years. Hurdle 1, hurdle 2, hurdle 3, .....hurdle 12. All manageable and being addressed.
If investors are comfy cozy, we won't sell off, share price will rise. You have access to capital, jobs are secure, money in your pocket and ours, lobster and hard liquor for everyone. Take your time, sneak around, hide mistakes, don't communicate, then shareholders sell off, on any bit of news, no capital, hot dogs and Schlitz beer, Mark Cap tanks, no raises and bonuses(just kidding, always raises), and we float along aimlessly.
Oh, did I ramble on in my insomnia induced trance like state? I would assume so. Anyway, managers, feel free to reach out and see what the regular schmucks want. One can laugh, but the cheerleaders are going anywhere. The haters are selling at .20 no matter what, it's the in between-ers line me that will allow the price to rise in the near future, hey Lanny and Cal?
Have a good Sunday gang. And how about those Jay, eh?! Wow!!!