How much oil does the US have left? When i look at the Worldometer in terrms of how much oil each country has, it states that the US has 35 billion barrels. Lets say for figures sack they have 45. Back in the 80s they only had 20 billion but thanks to better technology they are able to access the shale oil that was previous undrillable. So if they have 45 billiion barrels left and they are drilling 11 million barrels a day that would remove 4 billion of their reserves every year. This oild is hard to get at and requires constant drilling.. Once drilled, the well is in instance decline and requires another well to be drilled and so on. The states have been drilling for a long time and in terms of size their country is not very big. So will they run out of oil in 10 years? Their reserves are finite and loosing 10% of their inventory every year is huge. It is possible they can find other deposits but at this moment i feel they don't have much time before their asset dimisihes.