RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:Yikes, YouTube video PYR... kinda like covaids cultist running out to get a an experimental death shot cause someone recommended it, without giving much thought to doing research first and not knowing the risk to reward? Blind faith? There's a sucker born everyday
canyousayiii wrote: Media outlets like this should be shut down. They can maybe opine on taking some profits on a quick move that may not survive a few days but to make a blanket statement on shorting the company because of the size of an announced contract, the market reaction and the overall market cap is completely irresponsible. If you have to say that you know nothing about the company, your colleague just adds that they do something with a laser thingy, to day anything at all is completely irresponsible and likely unethical. it is not too far off from like seeing a blue chip with a lot of shares outstanding going up a buck and saying, hey, there is nothing new yet the value of the company went up $XY millions...I am shorting it. Those guys should be embarrassed, even though they could point to the drop after. The point is, they made an investment recommendation without knowing more than a 3 letter stock symbol.
fdfd12 wrote: They have done no DD but they are just alking about how important a $6MM order is
to a company that is $800MM market cap. Some people agree with this.
It is really not much but what they don't know is about the potential of the 130 other torches.
They never finished reading the entire news.
Thinkbigsti69 wrote: This shows how little DD shorters do on stocks. This is super news for us longs of PYR - the short squeeze will be even greater than anticipated.
Stubbyinsider wrote: Hahahaha wow what a bunch of idiots. Please do short a stock you know nothing about lol