A+V+L = -0 East Kemptville Tin
Engagement with the local NGO Tusket River Environmental Protection Association and local politicians and businesses has continued. In addition, Avalon had early discussions with the local Acadia First Nation about the project and contracted a business owned by band members to manufacture and supply core boxes for the 2015 drilling program. Avalon is committed to maximizing employment opportunities for Nova Scotia residents. " No one will give you a cheap bottle of New Scotch for this. Try trading it for an Acadian First Nation banket.
Lilypad Cesium
A dead dog you been propping up since 2009: Last Rites! "
The property is located 150 km northeast of Pickle Lake, Ontario near the First Nation community of Fort Hope of the Eabametoong First Nation. It is presently only accessible by air or winter road." The road to perdition -remember to bring plenty of frozen pickles. Nechalacho REE
Somewhere near Santa's house. The Elves play in that sand box with have dedicated to local cats..
- Located just 100 km southeast of Yellowknife
- In the middle of nowhere, where nobdy goes or ever comes back from.
Politically stable jusrisdiction with little fear of attack from crazed pygmies.
Home to a top secret process to separate fools from their money. North of Kenora, wherever that is. Spread Premier Ford's ashed there so that they wll never be uncovered and put into a toxix waste bag. Let the mafia deliver to a secret place under a rock. Let the Shaman who paid 3.81 for the pile of burning shares urinate on the mile high pile of useless paper.