GREY:CLAZF - Post by User
Comment by
Amazighon Sep 17, 2021 10:31am
Post# 33877091
RE:RE:RE:Calm Down
RE:RE:RE:Calm DownDude51 wrote: PTBailey please read the article before you defend mgmt. Read the article by the invester dude, if Drew assole has not pulled it. It's the kind dicck move he would do. He banned me for speaking my mind on this site. I had no warnings or anything, just dropped me because of what I said about the bs at class on Stock house. That's a dicck move imo. Hey Drew no comeback? I know you read this site, remember that's why you banned me from your site.
Hi Dude51,
If you read the whole post (of that specific article), including my comments, you would have known that the person you referring to is not a scientist, but someone who has relatives/acquaintances who suffer from PAH. I explained to that guy that the science he was referring to was of low quality and should not be seen as the standard in the PAH field. It's a science on its own to do a search on the internet and find information that is reliable, sound, and of good quality. It's something scientists have to learn during their training. See for example all those anti-vaxxers who claim that vaccination is bad by referring to mediocre or bad performed research. I myself am a scientist and have CLAS shares, as I know the quality of the science behind R-107 and what is playing on the PAH field. I'm just saying.
As I understand why you were blocked from CI is because you're not invested anymore in CLAS. Being invested in CLAS is a requirement to be a member of CLAS. When you've invested again in CLAS you can be a member again.
However, the way you act on SH recently blaming and having a foulmouth towards Drew, I am afraid that Drew would think twice before allowing you back. Just my opinion.