GREY:CLAZF - Post by User
Comment by
PTBaileyon Sep 17, 2021 11:42am
Post# 33877537
RE:RE:RE:Calm Down
RE:RE:RE:Calm DownDude51 wrote: PTBailey please read the article before you defend mgmt. Read the article by the invester dude, if Drew assole has not pulled it. It's the kind dicck move he would do. He banned me for speaking my mind on this site. I had no warnings or anything, just dropped me because of what I said about the bs at class on Stock house. That's a dicck move imo. Hey Drew no comeback? I know you read this site, remember that's why you banned me from your site.
No comments, dicck head?
Can't really add anything to your post that Amazigh hasn't already covered.
And to echo his comments why should you be on a members only site if you have no shares in the stock. Or why are you here if you have no vested interest in the company enough that you would sell everything.
To he honest you seem to be here to vent about a personal issue you have with Drew but it is him who appears to be a adult in the room by being mature enough to not crawl in this sandbox and engage in name calling with you.
If you are out simply move on. Your ongoing complaining isn't adding anything of value to this conversation re. CLAS. Time to move on to better things.