RE:Annual Results are out...My take...
First, I don't like companies that don't break out their Q4 results when they announce their annual results. Why be so lazy? It raises questions, of course...
So let's see what the Q4 results were, using the company's metrics:
Revenues. Originations Adj. Ear. Portfolio Bal. Delinquincies Credit loss
Q1 9.4 Q1 28.3 Q1 1.6 Q1 141 Q1 3.7% 8.1%
Q2 9.6 Q2 30.3 Q2 1.5 Q2 153 Q2 3.4% 9.9%
Q3 9.5 Q3 26.6 Q3 1.4 Q3 162 Q3 3.4% 9.2%
Q4 9.9 Q4 29.8 Q4 1.5 Q4 172 Q4 2.6% 9.1%
So we see, in yellow, that three of the numbers were highest for the year and, in blue, the others were second best. So overall, this looks like a rather good quarter. The delinquincy number keeps trending lower which shows AXIS's ability to choose safe clients among the below prime credit people. There is also a decent bump in revenues which is nice.
An important point to note is that this is for the year ending June 30. Therefore, we still don't know what bump there might be in the numbers from a quarter in which things are (COVID) reopened for business. The next quarter will be telling.
I continue to hold.