RE:NAH Son… LMAOROF Regrettably forgot to mention Kapitano Stuffy with his B77777777 pillow and his dreams of flying a Cessna, hanging around the fence line at Springbank, and pretending to know so much about AC's business operations. A broke bum. A dumbass who has no clue regarding the information presented by Airlineinvestor and Rouge10.
JuIieRichards wrote: Frigging Returns is Givemeabreak aka OneNut. Unbelievable morons with iQs lower than 80, posting for Troll farm pay per post. Oh yea, they are now busy at night trying to cloak Rouge10's post. What a bunch of idiots. Rouge10 knows more about AC business than these reeeeeetards could gather up in the next 100 years even if they learned to read and write. LMAOROF... yeeeeee haaaaaa.. oh yea.. frigging brain deads ... nah son .. giveusallabreak