RE:RE:RE:One small reason AAV has been lagging TOU? why would a deal that was struck in april 2020 effect the stock prices over a random 30 day period in late 2021? that's Absurd. There could be all kinds of reasons that aav has lagged tou over a 30 day period but none of them have to do with what aav did in april of 2020.
aav has almost QUADRUPLED Since their deal with topaz. where is the evidence that has hurt AAV and their shareholders.
yes you just articlued the genius that is TOPAZ. it's called a win win. tou found a way for topaz to win and for tou to win. and only one company in North America could have pulled it off. I remewmber redaing this board when topaz was created with most of the posts wondering when peyto would pull off their topaz. just as I predicted, they never did.
Yasch22 wrote: What I mean by AAV lagging TOU is the same thing you meant when you wrote, "AAV, which has all their assets in Alberta, and has a similar asset profile to tou, has lagged tou over the last month."
Second, I named the Glacier deal as "one small reason" AAV has pretty seriously lagged TOU for a long time, and especially since early 2020. AAV lagged most of its peers until it first made the Entropy announcement and the follow-up announcement in June.
If mermory serves, one analyst who thought the deal was much better for TOU than for AAV was you. A.k.a. Dutchtender, brilliantpebbles, Ceremony, HoneyStivBators, etc. Another was TerribleEng. Topaz is getting $12m per year for a $100m investment, where Advantage takes on all of the risk and expense of managing Glacier.
Tourmaline and Topaz are sister companies. What benefits one benefits the other. If Topaz share price goes higher, Tourmaline is the richer.