RE:RE:RE:Tomorrow, a new day for Bombardier !! Hey patient.
$2.5 is going to arrive at the begining of Feb. 2022 after Q4/21. I hope your patience pays off sooner than later, and you get what you want.
I on the other hand, I have already reached the break even point a while back. But I need to get paid for all the profits I've lost while all these manipulators were playing with the stock for all these past years.
One thing I won't do is get too gready this time.
I have a plan on what # of shares to sell at what price, but that could change depending on the company's performance as the share price starts climb. I don't forsee the company changing course in the next 2 years. I forsee it performing above expectations in the next 2 years. Which means, lots of runway for the SP to rise.
In 2 years time we should get a very good indication as to where this company is heading. I predict that they are going to manage well, given that they have no other companies to destract them from their Buisiness Aircraft playbook. They're finally realizing that they can stay ahead of everybody in business aircraft field. Contrary to what others believe in the industry. I like the fact, that they're only a one trick pony. They can do very well, if they start increasing their share of the market to 50% in the field from their current 33%. I'm glad they're working on hard on getting the Repair side of their planes back. Repairing their own planes will help in the pursuit of market share. People trust manufacturers that stay behind their product.This focuss will take care of the rest, including the debt. All these reasons will be the reasons why, I will not sell my shares too quickly. I'll sell slowly in increments. GL 859
BePatient4now wrote:
I personally think we won't see major upside moves before Q3 release. If it's good we may test 2.50 before end of year IMO. Let's hope for it, meanwhile I see day trading for this stock, the big boys will be playing with our nerves. I'm positive with Bbd, but I'm not a dreamer, give me 2.50 and I'm out.