Both sides are calling the other fake news. But a democracyis only when both sides allow the other side's fake news to be presented
equally in society - called free speech of what each side really believes
Otherwise it is one side fits all, by a minority on the majority, commonly
called marxism communuism when by the people, and fascism communism
when by the rich.
And there is also jesus communism which is the same control of thought
by the minority on the majority in the name of a god.
And it is one side that is so stuck in some narrowness or surety of some kind,
it doesn't allow both side's speech in public, and it's the vaxxers doing that
not the anti vaxxers.
Who's afraid of being contradicted, who is afraid of seeing otherwise, who's
the criminal, who's the monster and who's the evil then?
And if you can't see that, civilization is lost !!!!!
And that is what is happening.
The vaxxers want the anti vaxxers silenced, censored, marginalized,
considered as crank, even placed in camps and as a final solution
if still won't submit to one sided truth and control only - then killed.
But who's dying. It's the vaxxers and the vaxxer elites are lying to the
vaxxers that it's the anti vaxxers that are dying after spreading the variants.
The jokes on the vaxxers and they can't even see it, or allow this info or
raise this issue to be investigated from the anti vaxxers in order to see it.'Looney-Blows-the-Whistle-on-Covid:9 Don't you see the irony of it?
No you don't, to the downfall of yourself, society, rule of law, morality and
civilization around the world.
But really, it's sad and more - tragic - the end of free and decent civilization !!!!!